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Thu, 21 Oct 2010 16:34:03 GMT
SendMeRSS service is currently down

I just noticed that the SendMeRSS server is still running and reporting the message "The SendMeRSS service is currently down. We're working on a solution. Any inconvenience is deeply regretted". It's been down for 2 years now. And GE/NBC no longer even own the domain.

Wed, 20 Oct 2010 15:55:21 GMT
Reblinks Enabled

Today, I re-enabled Reblinks for all the forums. This allows you to get an email everytime someone posts on a forum you want to follow. See the widget in the right sidebar of each forum. This use to work, but I had to shut it down this summer because Reblinks got too popular too fast and I was sending more emails than my provider allowed for causing the entire system to behave poorly. I'll see how things go this week.

Mon, 18 Oct 2010 23:48:11 GMT
Fake Facebook Profiles

One thing that has really been brough to my attention since the Jilliam Domani incident, is the amount of fakebook profiles. Of late, I was made aware of a ring of profiles that I happened to be friends with, but are really fake profiles of other girls.

  1. Jenna Marie
  2. Jenny Greenwood
  3. Julia Marie (previously Julia Newman)

When I asked Julia if her profile was fake, she immediately deleted it. These girls are fb friends, but they might actually be one person. Julia has been initiating fb chats with me for months trying to flirt with me. Jenny use to do the same until one day she got weird creepy and I unfriended her. If you search fb, then you'll find other girls with the same name.

I first caught on to their fraud when someone forwarded me the following link.
That's the real Jenna Marie telling us that the fb is fake.

Then I noticed that Jenna, Jenny and Julia are fb friends. They post on each others walls. Some of their pics are tagged with both Jenny and Julia. Also, at one point, Julia admitted that some of her pics were fake.

Why do girls create fake fb profiles of hot 20 yr old blondes and creep on guys? It turned out that Jillian was a hot 20 something chic named Channing Sleete. She's a good looking girl, why would she need to create a fake fb profile to get guys? Gurls? Guys are more desparate than you think. Play it straight up.

For those thinking about doing it or are already, then identity theft is a federal jailable offense. Think twice.

Sat, 09 Oct 2010 18:39:12 GMT
YouTube CreateAccount FAIL!

I just tried to create a YouTube account for my daughter. We couldn't submit the Create Account form. There's an error on the page. We first tried on Safari-Mac. Thought it was just a bug with Safari. Didn't work in IE-Windows or even Google Chrome. I find it amazing that Google's QA has gotten this bad. Anybody else experiencing the same problem?

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