The RSS Blog

News and commentary from the RSS and OPML community.

I have an MSN Spaces blog. I also have a Yahoo! 360 blog. I've been asked, "Which do you think I should use?" Well, I have an easy answer for you. NEITHER! Both systems were thrown together to try and compete with Google's Blogger. I once said it was a small step up from Blogger. I was wrong. Truth is, they are light years behind. I've come to realize this in this last week while working on a blogosphere personal project. Now, let me tell you what's wrong with MSN Spaces and Yahoo! 360.

  • Can't be fully customized. I don't see how I can put custom HTML, like Adsense.
  • Templates are geeky looking on MSN spaces. Obviously written by a programmer, not a designer.
  • Templates are missing on Yahoo! 360.
  • No blogging API. I don't see how I can post using a rich client.

Now, don't get me wrong. Blogger isn't the best either. See Typepad. But Typepad isn't free. Please correct any mistakes/misunderstandings above in my comments.

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