The RSS Blog

News and commentary from the RSS and OPML community.

Judging from my subscriber reporting, a lot of people have been checking out NewsAlloy, an ajax-based RSS reader. So today, I checked it out too. It was pretty awesome. So good, that I decided to switch from Google Reader to NewsAlloy for awhile to give it a real test.

  • Step 1, export my subscriptions as OPML from Google Reader.


    That wasn't supposed to happen.
  • Step 2, grimace at the error message above presented to me by Google Reader when I tried to export my subscriptions as OPML.
  • Step 3, think about making the switch permanent!

Also, NewsAlloy has a blog. Subscribed

Reader Comments Subscribe
Wow, you are correct Randy. It's not working for me either. I'll get on that.

Jason Shellen
Product Manager, Google Reader
Randy, how do you import OPML into NewsAlloy?  I left a feedback question, no response yet.

Sterling Camden (

Click Manage, then Import OPML.


Ooops! Sorry about that typo. It's Sterling, not Sterline.


Thanks, Randy -- I guess I need new glasses or vitamin A.  I had visited the manage tab, but failed to see the additional tabs across the top.  Looks pretty cool so far.
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