Judging from my subscriber reporting, a lot of people have been checking out NewsAlloy, an ajax-based RSS reader. So today, I checked it out too. It was pretty awesome. So good, that I decided to switch from Google Reader to NewsAlloy for awhile to give it a real test.
- Step 1, export my subscriptions as OPML from Google Reader.
That wasn't supposed to happen.©2006 Google -
Step 2, grimace at the error message above presented to me by Google Reader when I tried to export my subscriptions as OPML.
Step 3, think about making the switch permanent!
Also, NewsAlloy has a blog. Subscribed
Jason Shellen
Product Manager, Google Reader
Thanks Jason.
Sterling Camden (http://www.chipstips.com/microblog)
Click Manage, then Import OPML.
Ooops! Sorry about that typo. It's Sterling, not Sterline.