The RSS Blog

News and commentary from the RSS and OPML community.

Paolo has created Share Your OPML images. So, now you can link that image to your OPML on Share Your OPML.

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

This raised, at least in my mind, a concern about Share Your OPML. Share Your OPML isn't sharing. Shouldn't someone else be able to access my upload OPML file. I can't find it. Can you? If I think Joel Ross is cool, then shouldn't I be able to download and/or import his OPML file?

BTW Scott, get the f- off of Blogspot. What do you need instruction on how to use Wordpress? I was gonna link to you instead of Joel, but decided not too. You are too cool for Blogspot.

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But that's not the OPML file. It's a rendition of the OPML. I want the actual OPML file, so I can import it into my aggregator; Google Reader.


How did I miss that!


Still using Bloggers tools and should probably switch to WP sometime.


PS: Did you know the link part of this commenting widget is broken in Firefox? I can bold or italicize or do the other things but I can't create a link.

I wondered that too.  I'd be nice have some sort of exchange thing...

Sorry I did know. Never taken the time.


Type "339":