I was asked to respond to Sam's questions regarding how the Feed Validator should handle suggestions from the RSS profile. These are my responses. They are not responses from the board or spec text. They are simply my opinion and they may be right, wrong and both right and wrong.
- 4.1 - Should warnings be issued when version="0.91" or version="0.92" is encountered?
Yes, in fact, it should issue a warning whenever the version is not 2.0, this includes any remaining 0.93 and 0.94s. - - If read one way, this statement implies that all category values should have a slash in it. If read any other way, this statement is meaningless.
I don't understand the confusion. - - Should the feed validator recommend this?
Sure, why not? - - Same issue as in section
Same response. - 5.1.1 - To help seed this discussion, is it the intent of this requirement to make the following suggested replacements?
Both dc:publisher, dc:source can be used for unique purpose and can be funky. Warnings here may or may not be helpful.
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