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Dave Winer has stated that FeedBurner failed, with the caveat "Luckily they got Google to give them $100 mill before the house of cards collapsed." Quite a caveat. Even without the $100M, I still don't see failure. FeedBurner is still running. It's still pushing millions of feeds and many of the most popular blog feeds on the Internet. They've been re-branded Google FeedBurner and the FeedBurner Ad Network was merged with AdSense for Feeds. Where's the failure? If FeedBurner is a failure, then what would you call Userland? Does anybody use that anymore?

When you sell your baby to bigco's like Google, they get gobbled up into their infrastructure. Plans change. Branding changes. You don't here much about FeedBurner anymore because it's now just a piece of a bigger machine called Google. I don't think Google has any intent on closing down FeedBurner feeds. Where's the failure?

Interesting timing considering that Twitter has hired x-FeedBurner CEO Dick Costolo. Does Dave have something against Mr Costolo? That's a clever move for Twitter. FeedBurner wasn't Dick's first success. He and his team start-up SpyOnIt back in the 90s. They were purchased by 724 Solutions for $53M. Dick worked for 724 for awhile until his team left and started FeedBurner. I was one of the original employees at 724 Solutions. When I found out we bought SpyOnIt, I was extremely happy. It was an awesome technology. I can't wait to see what Dick does with Twitter. Put it thru the roof.

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Some of you may have been challenged recently with identifying and changing content (like the name of a university division, for example) on your website.
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Some of you may have been challenged recently with identifying and changing content (like the name of a university division, for example) on your website.
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